Status™ Testosterone Boosting Full Body Workout [10lsF8RXw7Q]
Status™ Testosterone Boosting Full Body Workout [10lsF8RXw7Q]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
STATUS™ - TESTOSTERONE MADE EASY ➞ ___________________________________________________________________ Testosterone is what makes a man… a man. High levels pack on muscle, strip off belly fat, and skyrockets your sexual appetite. Unfortunately, testosterone levels of men today are at their lowest levels in recorded history - making it easier to pack on unwanted belly fat, and more challenging than ever to build hard, ripped muscle. Today, Blue Star Nutraceuticals Pro-Trainer and IFBB® Pro Jordan Wheeler is at the Blue Star Nutraceuticals Training Facility to take you through a heavy duty workout designed to crank up your master male hormone - helping deliver results truly worthy of today’s modern man! Think you’re man enough? Science shows the 3 key factors for maximizing testosterone release from a workout are training with compound movements, lifting heavy, and using short rest periods. - That’s exactly what this workout delivers. This workout consists of 6 heavy compound movements - performed in linear fashion. You will perform 5 Sets of 3 Reps for each exercise using 80% of your 1 Rep Max - so if you can Squat 400lbs, you’ll be using 320 lbs on squats for this workout. You will perform all prescribed sets and reps for exercise 1 - resting 2 minutes between sets, then move on to exercise 2 and so on until all 6 exercises are completed. Exercise #1: Squat Variation - Belt Squat You can perform traditional barbell squats for these or you can switch it up with box squats, front squats or any other full squat variation. we’re going to do some belt squats here to switch things up. Remember to brace your core, drive through your heels and keep your knees out. Exercise #2: Bench Press Variation - Swiss Bar The standard bench press is awesome, but it’s important to switch things up and challenge your muscles in new ways to continually stimulate new growth. So today we’re going to do the bench press with a Swiss bar. It will allow you to train with a neutral grip for increased explosive strength, and reduce stress on your shoulders. It’s also important to note that some guys actually feel more of the load on the pecs with this bar. if you don’t have one of these, don’t sweat, you can get great benefits from a regular barbell. Exercise #3: Deadlift Variation - Deficit Deadlift By adding in deficit deadlifts, you can increase the range of motion and strengthen your glutes and hamstrings for the initial lift off - so the next time you go back to conventional deadlifts, pulling from the ground will be a piece of cake. Stand on a Plate or a box to raise you up a couple inches, and perform the movement with proper form. Core braced, chest up, lats tight, and keep that bar tight to your body. Exercise #4: Overhead Press Variation - Axle Bar We’re going to use an axle bar here to perform strict overhead presses to ease the joints and drive more power through the shoulders to the bar. Plant your heels about shoulder-width apart, Slight bend in the knees, Squeeze the glutes, brace the core and drive the weight up directly overhead. Exercise #5: Pull Ups Next up, weighted pull ups. Strap some plates on a belt or tuck a dumbbell between your legs, jump up, retract the shoulders and think pulling with your elbows trying to tuck them in your back pockets to engage the lats and work the back, not the biceps Exercise #6: Triceps Dips Finally we’ll finish off with triceps dips. Keep the elbows tucked tighter to your body with a more upright torso position, lower down until your arms are at 90 degrees for a full stretch in the triceps then explode up, locking the elbows at the top and flexing the triceps. Just be mindful of your elbows on these and don’t overdo it on the lockout. Now - if you’ve been struggling with testosterone troubles, or worse - you’re relying on prescription pills to get the job done - then I have a simple, yet powerful solution for you. We'd like to introduce you to Blue Star Nutraceuticals Status. Status is your unfair advantage to rapidly increase your natural testosterone production 434% higher than you would by just lifting weights. What makes Status truly unique is its revolutionary five-pronged approach to testosterone boosting. No other testosterone supplement in existence does so much, so quickly. That’s why there have been upwards of 40 million doses sold around the world. If you’re ready to build more muscle, burn more fat, and possess a 24/7 on-demand libido - just click the link at the top of this description, or at the end of the video. Until Next Time - Keep Training Hard! ___________________________________________________________________ FOLLOW US: Facebook ➞ Instagram ➞ Website ➞ Blog ➞ #BlueStarNutraceuticals #Status #TestosteroneWorkout #safest male enhancers #penis enlargement curse spell #xtremegro male enhancement
Aired: January 07, 2025
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