I brought in my beloved “sister from another mister,” Dr. Lo. Dr. Lauren Noel is a naturopathic doctor practicing here in San Diego with an extremely

5 Sneaky Ways You’re Not Losing Weight & What You Can Do about it! with Dr. Lo - Saturday Strategy [1hj2uMe_Hue]

5 Sneaky Ways You’re Not Losing Weight & What You Can Do about it! with Dr. Lo - Saturday Strategy [1hj2uMe_Hue]

| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

I brought in my beloved “sister from another mister,” Dr. Lo. Dr. Lauren Noel is a naturopathic doctor practicing here in San Diego with an extremely I asked Dr. Lo about my previous issues with weight loss, and why so many people can’t seem to lose weight, even while they’re doing all the “right” things. She had one simple explanation: CORTISOL. We’ve all heard about this hormone in the past. Unbeknownst to me, our body still produces this chemical literally all day long. Cortisol helps soothe the body’s processes while under stress, and gives us a boost of energy when we really, really need it. TOO MUCH can lead to a spike in insulin, a decline in cognitive function, a suppressed immune system, and excess fat storage. Aha! So, Dr. Lo gave me Five Reasons Why Our Cortisol Is Too High: Too Much Stress - When we’re in danger or under stress, our hypothalamus tells our adrenal glands to release adrenalin and cortisol. When the danger has passed, everything should return to normal. However, when we feel “attacked” on a regular basis, multiple times per day, multiple days per week, cortisol levels begin to rise substantially. Chronic Cardio - The concept here is that exercise is in fact a form of stress (albeit physical, and very controlled, but stress nonetheless.) It will encourage cortisol production. The longer you perform your exercise, the longer cortisol will be produced and the higher the risk of cortisol’s side effects. Food Intolerances - Whether we have a diagnosed allergy with clear symptoms and external responses or not, many of us have food intolerances. Some foods that we eat every day may be irritating or enflaming our stomachs on a regular basis. Lack of Sleep - As Dr. Lo stated in the video, typically, cortisol levels are higher in the morning, when we first wake up, and lower in the evening. Our bodies probably developed this way to motivate ourselves to seek food and shelter as soon as it was possible (aka, when the sun came up.) Infections - These are far more common than we realize. Even right now, each of us are battling mini-infections in our mouths, eyes, ears, skin, teeth and other areas. Everytime we are under attack physically, in any way, our adrenal gland must send cortisol to the rescue. Thanks so much to Dr. Lo for swinging by and helping us out this week! Please visit her site: and check out her podcast on Itunes and . To help relieve stress, lower your cortisol, as well as boost immunity and balance your hormones, check out our new Organic, Gluten-Free, Vegan, ORGANIFY GREEN JUICE. Click here to SUBSCRIBE: Powered by Organifi... Because YOU are Enough! Check out our Amazing Superfoods: Follow us on Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Twitter: Check out our blogs: Join the Organifi Tribe: Get my free Alpha Reset Guide Here: sneaky ways to lose weight reasons you're not losing weight tips to help you lose weight ways to slim down your diet effective tips in losing weight health benefits of green juice health benefits of organifi green juice how to lose weight how to lose weight effectively Sneaky Ways You’re Not Losing Weight what is organifi where to buy organifi green juice natural cures for stress how to fight stress function of cortisol in the body ways to slim down your diet tips to help you lose weight reasons you're not losing weight sneaky ways to lose weight #keto gummies really work #keto bhb gummies shark tank #proton weight loss gummies

Aired: January 05, 2025

Rating: TV-14

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